Is periodontal disease associated with stomach cancer?Did you know that brushing and flossing may actually reduce your risk for developing stomach cancer? A recent study completed at New York...
Another reason to brush your teethDid you know that brushing your teeth may reduce your risk of throat cancer? A new study performed at New York University published in...
Could Brushing Your Teeth Actually Reduce Your Risk of Developing Cancer?This sounds almost not believable, but research is suggesting that keeping those pearly whites in good shape may actually help in...
How To Care For Your Teeth At Home While Undergoing Cancer TherapyHow does cancer care affect my mouth? As mentioned in other sections of this blog, cancer therapies, including chemotherapy, head and/or...
Oral bacteria and pancreatic cancer: how are they related?Bacteria in one's mouth and pancreatic cancer? Yes, you read that correctly. It is well established that oral health is linked to...
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: How much do you know about going gold?There has been a lot of media press lately about the empire state building refusing to go gold for childhood cancer, but how much do you...
Stages v. Grades: What's the Difference?Cancer is often described in terms of stages and grades, but it is easy to confuse the two terms. Oncologists use both terms to identify...
What is cancer? This helpful video from FoundationMedicine explains what cancer is in 3 minutes. References Cancer Explained. FoundationMedicine....
What are 'invasive' dental procedures?It is important to understand the difference between invasive and non-invasive procedures as invasive dental procedures are not...
How Does Chemotherapy Affect Oral and Dental Health?Although there are side effects associated with chemotherapy, it is important to note that the side effects typically resolve when...