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19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532

Six Over-the-Counter Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome
There are several treatment options for burning mouth syndrome. While many are prescription, here’s a list of some of the over the counter

5 Reasons You May Grind Your Teeth
As an orofacial pain specialist, I spend a considerable amount of time with patients who grind or clench their teeth during the day and/or a

How does sleep affect pain?
Did you know that poor sleep influences your perception and reaction to pain? A recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience...

My Mouth Is Burning! What is Burning Mouth Syndrome?
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a complex condition characterized by a burning, painful or tingling sensation in the mouth in the absence of

What is TMJ and do you have it?
Patients often present complaining they have TMJ, but the truth is they are not using the correct terminology. TMJ is an acronym for the...

Do these migraine triggers affect you?
Migraine headaches are extremely debilitating and uncomfortable. Often, certain triggers can elicit a migraine headache. How many of...
10 Things Only People Suffering From TMJ related Orofacial Pain and TMD Will Understand
TMJ related orofacial pain is extremely common and uncomfortable. Do you identify with these symptoms? 1) Waking up with headaches is a...

Wait Grinding Your Teeth Can Change The Shape of Your Face?!
Yes! You read that correctly. Hold on, Hold on. I'm confused. Okay, let me explain. Like every area of your body, your face is lined by...
Are Women More Likely to Suffer from Orofacial Pain?
Interestingly, orofacial pain sufferers are predominantly women. Why? We don't completely understand, but one proposed theory relates to...

Can a Dentist Treat Headaches?
Going to the dentist to treat my headaches? What? I know what you are thinking. The dentist just treats teeth, how could a dentist help...
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